6 Tips that will prevent you from giving up

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Tips that will prevent you from giving up you. are having trouble finding the motivation to go to the gym. Everything is going fine; grades are good, or you are performing nicely at your job and this is causing you to have less motivation to hit the gym or to work out. You don’t feel like working out, but you don’t want to quit either. How could you keep your motivation up?

A new look

Who doesn’t feel food in a nice new outfit? When you look good working out, and you know it, the threshold to start working out is much lower. It’s just how human psychology works.

Set solid goals

By setting a solid and realistic goal you will work towards a certain point and you will be able to build from there. For example: losing 5lbs in 1 month or cycling 10 miles instead of 8. Don’t forget to keep track of your progress! Progress it one of the biggest motivators that will keep you going!

It’s a journey not a destination

Accomplishing your goals is not simply going from A to B, it is about what’s in between the beginning and the start. Losing weight is a journey in which you will mee new wonderful people, discover who you really are and learn a lot of new things. You might meet people that have the same goals that and end up being friends.

Plan ahead

It’s fine to be ambitious but working out 5 days as a novice is not going to cut it. It’s important to stay realistic. If you plan on working out 3 days a week, make sure to dedicate these days as working-out days. This way you can keep up the consistency.

Variety is key

Doing the same thing repeatedly will cause you to get bored. Try to change things up by working out with different friends or joining your friend’s workout routine. When working out in a gym try switching up your exercises.

Working out together

This can be a huge motivator. If one of you doesn’t feel like working out and the other one does; it’s most likely you end up working out together anyway. You can even make it a little competition. Ask you local gym if you could bring your friend with you. Most likely they will allow you to bring a friend!

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