The best way to lose fat fast – proven by scientists

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The best way to lose fat fast – proven by scientists

In this blog post, we cover some of the best ways to lose fat fast and proven by scientists!

High intensive interval training

Moving is important. Exercising therefore is an excellent way to stay healhy. Because of exercising hearth and blood vessels function better and will not clog. Clogging heart and blood vessels cause heart desease, which is the number 1 death cause around the world. To loose weight quickly and clean these vessels you could incorporate high intensive interval training. This kind of exercise is the best way quickly improve health and stamina.

What is interval training?

Many people train for endurance. They walk for an hour or cycle a couple of miles. The purpose of these movements is to build up stamina and gain skills. When you separate these two and first build your stamina you will be able to take on longer walks or jogs. To quickly and easily build up your stamina you could incorporate high intensive interval training. It is proven that this way of training builds up stamina more quickly than endurance training.

For starters a high intensive interval training example is as follows: let’s say you walk for 3 minutes and then jog for another 3 minutes and keep repeating this for half an hour. The next step could be to hold on to this for 45 minutes instead of 30. You could also increase the jog to 4 or even 5 minutes. That is up to you. As long as you keep increasing the intensity bits by bits.

This way of training has some great benefits. Your stamina will increase with great steps quickly and in turn will increase your health and help maintain a positive mindset. You can also mix the interval training up with different sports like cycling, spinning, skating or swimming. It’s important to find the sport that suits you, because it will be easier to hold on to it.

Be sure to wear the right shoes!

Whenever you do interval training make sure you wair the right shoes, you can easily burn your feet. If your feet are full of blisters, you will need to recover for days before doing any interval training again. When choosing the right shoes we mean sneakers!

We recommend getting some pair of nike sneakers.

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