Meal planning for total and absolute beginners

Read: 3 minutes Meal planning for beginners How about preparing a meal plan to organize yourself and eat healthy? Experts advise us to do so, as it can save you a lot of time and money. So forget the last minute trips to the supermarket. Never again will you substitute a real meal for a bag of potato chips and a …

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Fats or sugars, what is more harmful?

Read: 3 minutes Fats or sugars, what is more harmful? Fats have always been demonized and they have been considered something from which we have to flee in order to have a healthy diet, but recent research on them is revaluing their nutritional properties, leading us to think that what we really have to eliminate from our diet …

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The best way to lose fat fast – proven by scientists

Read: 2 minutes The best way to lose fat fast – proven by scientists In this blog post, we cover some of the best ways to lose fat fast and proven by scientists! High intensive interval training Moving is important. Exercising therefore is an excellent way to stay healhy. Because of exercising hearth and blood vessels function better …

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The Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

Read: 2 minutes The Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet  The Ketogenic diet refers to a form of dieting where high fats, adequate protein and low carbs are consumed. Its aim is to deplete the body’s glycogen reserves so that it relies on fat and protein for energy. The body then undergoes ketosis, which is a metabolic state in which your liver produces …

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