Food secrets that help you burn fat!

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Did you know that there are foods actually help you burn fat more easily?

The ideal is to lose weight by reducing subcutaneous fat, we are going to see a few fat burning foods that will make your diet more effective.

When it comes to dieting, we can choose between cleansing, detoxifying or fat burning. To do the latter it is very important to take into account that there are foods that help the body to metabolize and eliminate stored fats more quickly since they activate the metabolism in a totally natural way.

To burn fat, it is essential to activate the metabolism and that it is the body itself that “digests” its own accumulated fats and thus we can reduce volume. If you incorporate fat-burning foods in your diet, you will get your body to eliminate fat more effectively and you will achieve that weight loss is carried out by eliminating subcutaneous fat and not muscle mass.

These foods will help you burn fat more easily:


Fundamentally the skin of the apple. Apples in the skin contain a substance called ursolic acid, which is a compound that greatly helps fight obesity and all the problems that derive from it, especially because it helps increase muscle mass and brown fat, which is a fatty tissue that consumes white fat to produce energy and body heat. Both are body tissues that consume the most energy , so it is of great importance that they increase in our body if we want to lose weight. This way we will accelerate our metabolism and our body consumes more calories in a state of rest .

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese has three times more protein than natural skimmed yogurt. By supplying the body with proteins we feel much more saturated for longer (it is the trick of yogurts with twice the protein that Vitalinea took out) and also by not supplying carbohydrates to the body we will force it to burn fat for energy.


They are a food with negative calories , that is, the body spends more energy in processing and digesting them than those provided by them themselves, which greatly helps weight loss. They have a great satiating power and provide us with very beneficial fibers and minerals for the body. They can be cooked without fat and with vegetables, making them an ideal food for dieting.


A study carried out at the University of Ontario, Canada, showed that thanks to a flavonoid contained in grapefruit, people who consume it lose weight more effectively. It also contains a large amount of fiber, minerals and vitamins that will help complete your diet.


They are berries very rich in antioxidants and with very few calories. They accelerate the metabolism of fats helping to eliminate subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Chile or cayenne 

They are a type of hot peppers that, thanks to the capsaicin they contain, produce a thermogenic effect in the body that activates the metabolism to produce that increase in body temperature that they cause.

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