How to Combine a Busy Life with Exercise: Tips and Tricks

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Many people wonder where others find the time to exercise. With a social life, full-time work, school or study, and possible children, there is hardly any time left. But it is certainly possible to combine a busy life with exercise. In fact, you will only get more energy from it, and you will become even fitter too! So how do you combine exercise and a social life?

  1. Efficient Workouts You don’t have to be at the gym every day. It’s important to train regularly, and each workout should be efficient. It’s better to work out for 45 minutes a few times a week than for a few hours once a week. Choose a routine with a few exercises that you can repeat. This will make it manageable for you.
  2. Exercise in the Morning With a busy social life, it can be difficult to go to the gym in the evenings. Unexpected delays, social events or phone calls can easily come up, and before you know it, you’ve missed your group class or don’t have the energy for a good workout. But don’t give up that easily! Plan your workouts in the morning, so that you have them out of the way. This way, nothing can come up in the evenings. You can then enjoy your day without having to worry about that specific group class or training session.
  3. Exercise with Friends Combine your next appointment with your friend with a great workout session. This way, you can catch up with each other while getting your planned workout done.
  4. Take the Stairs or Walk During Work Breaks Other small daily adjustments can also help. Stay fit by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Instead of spending your break sitting at the lunch table, take a nice walk. And how about a plank challenge with all your colleagues? Just tighten your muscles for a minute every hour. Every little bit helps!

To be able to fit exercise into your social life, it’s important that it comes naturally to you. This way, it becomes part of your life instead of an obstacle or something you can’t find time for.

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